mandag den 6. juli 2009


Enebærodde is Fyns largest heathland with heather and juniper bushes. The area is protected with access walking everywhere. Cattle and sheep graze on the beach meadow. At Enebærodde there are good chances of see viper especially in April where you can spot them on places with stones and sand.

Enebærodde is located at the end of Odense Fjord, ca. 5 km. east of Otterup. You go to Hasmark Beach and head for 'Halshusene'. Take the first road on the right side before you reach Hasmark Camping and you will find the area easily. You have to take a walk for about 3,5 kilometers before you reach Enebærodde.

Enebærodde is a 6 km long and 20 to 750 m wide isthmus of Nordfyn, between the Kattegat and the western side of Odense Fjord.
Tangen is Fyns largest continuous hot area, and is named after the juniper bushes that grow on the device. At Tangen also growing bell heather, heather moorland and crowberry. Among the wildlife are viper, snakes and lizards. The area at the Odense Fjord is a wildlife sanctuary for birds.

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